Day 2123 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.
Psalm 91:2 NIV
Our last several posts have been talking about not listening to the world. We hear so many messages telling us that so many different things are important. And throughout the course of our lives we've fallen for it countless times. We've bought the lies and paid the price for it. That is why we have to stay completely focused on God at all times. Only by following Him are we guaranteed to never end up lost again!
We have to remember that He is our God. Not the world. Not the leaders of this world. Not the money and possessions that so many chase after and prioritize. Not the titles, the fame, the following. He is our God and we can't allow anything else to take His place or push Him aside in our lives. If we do, well that's when the problems start popping up.
The truth is that as fun or enjoyable as all of this worldly stuff claims to be, none of it can give us what He does every single day. Money can't buy us peace. Being famous or powerful doesn't promise us joy or fulfillment. Having everything we want won't make us happy. Getting our way all the time will never lead us to anything close to His promises.
God is the One that protects us. He provides for us. He watches over us. He ensures that we're heading to promises that we could never dream of without Him. He makes the ways through the hard battles we face. He fights for us to give us victory over battles that we may not even know about. God is the One that loves us no matter what. So He is the One that we should be following and serving.
Friends, I understand that there are endless choices in this place. So many different priorities and goals. But nothing can do what God does. Nothing can offer the promises, the forgiveness, the power, or the peace that God does. So please do not let anything else become your focus. As we've been talking about, listen to Him. Focus on Him and Him alone. Keep Him on the throne and never let anything take His place!
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