Day 2124 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Romans 8:2 NIV

There is freedom in Christ. What's weird is that we live in one of the most free countries in the world, and yet this worldly freedom cannot come close to God's version. Down here we've taken on this idea that freedom means doing or saying anything we want. But freedom is bigger than that. Sounds kind of weird, but freedom means more than doing whatever we feel like doing.

We've been talking about how important it is to listen to God, to follow Him alone, and to keep Him in the forefront of our lives. It's easy to get caught up in this world and its broken ways. We're here every single day, constantly bombarded with the messages that are being shared. We're always being told about this great new thing that someone has found that is just amazing. And all of us at some point have fallen for it.

We're told that's where freedom is. But freedom is only found in surrendering to Christ. It's only found in letting go of trying to hold on to this world. It's found in being able to walk away from the sins and mistakes of our past. And while the idea of being able to do or say anything you want sounds really cool, it simply can't compare with the feeling of being forgiven and free to move on from the old messed up lives we once lived.

I think it's a matter of watering down the idea of freedom. To me, the thought of not having to worry about the concerns and limited perspectives of our world sounds far more open and unencumbered than just doing what I want to do. Not living a life to gain temporary things like money and possessions sounds far more free than thinking that's all there is to this story.

Freedom is huge, bigger than our little minds can understand. When we stop limiting God and His power by our worldly definitions and understanding then we can see just how big He is. Then we will finally see how big His gift of salvation is. It's literally bigger than death and the weight of sin and shame!

When we live our lives surrendered to Jesus Christ then we're free, eternally, completely, truly free. Don't miss out on that kind of freedom because you think our worldly version is as good as it gets! Trust me, it's not even close!


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