Day 2126 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 John 4:1 NIV

Every single day we're peppered with a thousand different messages. Pay attention to this, worry about that, you need this, stop doing that, do this instead, here's a better way to live. And the list goes on and on and on. With so much being offered we have to be extremely careful about what we actually listen to. To be honest, most of what we hear in our world today is just nonsense!

We talked a few days ago about how important it is to listen to God. We have to keep our minds as in-tune with Him as we can get. Like I said in yesterday's post, if we're not rooted in Him then we're at the mercy of whatever the world wants to do. We can so easily get bounced back and forth from one thing to the next. We have to stay focused on Him so that we know what's real, what's right, and what's important.

It may be one of those things that we don't like to think about but there's an awful lot of people with some really bad motives. I think many of us like to hope for the best and assume the best in others. We don't want to think that someone may be deliberately out to trip us up but unfortunately that is the case. There is evil in our world and we have to always be on the lookout for it.

We can't believe everything we hear. We can't buy every message that other people are trying to sell us. We can't take everything at face value and assume that everything is true. That would be nice, but it will never be the case. We have to run everything through reason. We need to run all those messages we hear through what we know is true. We need to look at everything through a lens of faith and righteousness so that we can weed out the nonsense and get right to the truth.

I just wanted to share this one today to encourage everyone to take everything with a little hesitancy. Don't just assume someone is telling you the truth. As this verse is reminding us, many people aren't. We can't risk falling for the lies and deception that this world so often offers. Be on guard, be smart, and most of all, stay tuned into God. He will always lead us in the right direction. If anything or anyone is trying to point us somewhere else, then being as close to Him as possible will help keep us from falling for it!


  1. Lead us down the path of rightenous. Good post. always remember everything can not be the truth, but God's way always will be.

    1. Amen! We can always trust that He knows what's right and He will always lead us in the right direction. Takes all the guess work out of it!


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