Day 2127 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

2 Kings 18:6 NIV

We were just talking about something and I think it's one of those things that just needs to be shared. We have to hold tight to our faith no matter what it costs. Our faith will lead us in directions that seem strange to us. Faith in God changes us. It changes our lives. It changes how we look at things. And friends, that's a very good thing!

If we believe strongly enough in something then we will hold tight to those beliefs no matter what. If we're not willing to cling to those beliefs then we should ask ourselves just how important they really are to us. Our faith should be the very basis of everything else in our lives. Before we do, say, or think anything it should be filtered through our faith and the truth of God's word to ensure it's right.

So it's inevitable that our faith will lead us away from things and perhaps even people that we thought were good and right for us. It will lead us to questioning and evaluating everything to see if it is okay to keep in our lives. If our lives look the exact same after finding Christ as they did before ever hearing His name then something's definitely wrong! If the things we say and do don't change because of Him then something's off.

It can feel weird to have to make those tough calls of making changes or walking away from things that we never pictured our lives without. That's where the rubber meets the road as they say. If Christ pulls us away from something then you can believe that it's for the best. We may not understand it at the time but I promise that it will make sense one day.

As this verse shows us, holding fast to God and following Him wherever He leads is what a life of faith is all about. It will mean leaving things behind. It will bring changes that we didn't envision making. It will lead us to avoiding things that it seems everyone else enjoys. So be it! We're here to find the narrow gate and walk the narrow path that leads to life. God will always show us the way, we have to be the ones who are faithful enough to follow!


  1. Very good post. We have to walk the walk. And as our lives changed and we grow we find that our walk is different than it was. It's walking in faith and love for our Father and Savior.

    1. Amen!! It's the very definition of life-changing. And it's some of the most incredible changes we could ever make!


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