Day 2129 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Matthew 16:25 NIV

In just a few short days we'll be celebrating the birth of a Savior. It's always been one of my favorite holidays, one of the most peaceful times of the year. And the more I've started focusing on my faith and really making it a priority in my life the more meaningful it has become. Just the idea that the Son of God would give His life to save mine is something that's beyond words.

I've been reading through Matthew for several days now and I am always amazed by all the lessons that the Gospels share. They say that the answers to pretty much all of our questions are written in red and I have to say that's dead on! This is one that kind of popped in my mind when I was thinking about today's post. Jesus showed us the power of dying to sin on the cross.

His gift has truly set us free from our broken pasts. He carried all of our sins to that grave so that we could live for something more. One of the biggest things that I've learned in this journey of faith so far is the idea of dying to self. We're selfish beings from the very beginning. It's like one of our natural instincts. We so easily get consumed by what we want and how we want things to go. But there's more than that.

Our old sinful lives should have shown us what a life of sin gets. Nothing to be too proud or excited about! Nothing but a bunch of shame and hiding. But thanks to Jesus' gift we don't have to be stuck under that weight anymore. We can live for something better. We can leave that old broken self buried where He carried it and allow that opportunity to change us.

Like I said a few days ago, if our faith doesn't change us then something's clearly wrong. Christ showed us the cost of our sins on the cross, and He offered us a brand new start free from all those mistakes. I just wanted to encourage you all to live for Him. He died for you so that you could shed the weight that once held you back and be a part of something we don't deserve.

Friends, if we're willing to take Him up on his offer of salvation then we're going to find a life that we never imagined possible. Please don't allow sin and shame to hold you captive and keep you living this miserable existence. There's more! When we leave our selfish ways behind then we can finally see that we were created for far more than our little minds could have ever dreamed of! Don't miss out on the life that He's calling you to, it's truly more amazing than we know!


  1. Just because we give up our own lives doesn't mean we are loosing anything. We are gaining eternity with our Father and Savior.


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