Day 2131 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Proverbs 16:9 NIV

Here's another little brutal truth that hit me the other day: stop thinking that this world or anyone in it is going to cater to you. I think selfishness is one of those things that is almost instinctual in most of us. We get caught up living our lives the way we want to live them and think that everyone around us will understand and accept that. Not really the way it works though.

I was sitting in a drive thru the other day thinking about how my normal schedule was being interrupted. I tend to follow a pretty normal routine, and when things happen that force me to adjust it, well it usually leads to frustration. But then I heard this voice pop in my mind that reminded me to stop taking everything in life so seriously all the time.

So what if our routines get interrupted? Who cares is we have to push things back a little bit? Does it really matter if we end up having to skip something that we had planned? No. We get to this point where we think things have to be done a certain way at a certain time for everything to keep working just right. But life isn't meant to be strict and regimented.

We need to lighten up and learn to enjoy life for what it is rather than what we're trying to make it. Our plans seems perfect to us. We have everything figured out just the way we want it to go and that brings us comfort. But life doesn't go according to our plans. The people around us aren't going to adjust their lives to fit our plans. This world doesn't cater to us so we should stop expecting it to.

I wanted to share this one because I have a feeling that a lot of people deal with this kind of thing. Life doesn't need to be as serious as we tend to make it. We can just enjoy it. I understand the importance and value of determination and commitment. But I also see the importance of finding peace and happiness. Life is a balance of both. So don't get to the point where you're pulled away from the peace and happiness part because things don't go exactly as you planned.

We can try to force everything to go our way and form around our schedules and plans or we can enjoy the journey that God has written for us. I just know that trying to plan everything usually only leads to frustration when those plans get changed. When all's said and done life will go just as God has is set to go. And in reality, that's all that matters! So we should lighten up and allow ourselves to enjoy it.


  1. The Lord's will be done not ours and thank goodness. He knows much more than we do.

    1. Amen! Plus I don't want to try to do it my way anymore because I know what that's gotten me. His way is so much better!!


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