Day 2132 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.
Matthew 2:10 NIV
If you don't love this time of the year I don't know what's wrong with you! No matter what's been happening or how weird any year has been, once we get to Christmas time it all just seems more peaceful. And the more that I prioritize faith and focus on growing in Christ the more special all of this feels!
Christmas is the fulfillment of a promise. It's the ultimate proof that God is faithful to who He claims to be and all He says He has planned. We're down here going through the day-to-day journey of His will and we can't possibly see the bigger picture. We get to open this thing called life one day at a time. But God sees it all.
He knows what's ahead, what's behind, what's happening right now. He knows how we're feeling, what we're struggling with, and what we need to learn and grow into who He made us to be. And the most amazing part is that He will always pull through on His promises for us. We never need to doubt or worry that He's forgotten us or changed His mind. He never will!
Thinking about those folks all those years ago that looked up and saw that star in the sky and how they must have just been blown away. All this hope, all the wonder, all the prayers has been fulfilled! Like I said, it's the ultimate proof that God will do what He says He will do. Friends that same truth rings out today and will still be there tomorrow!
So as we begin celebrating Christmas and the undefinable gift that this holiday represents please remember what it's all about. This year's been hard on all of us. We've gone through a lot and seen a lot of changes and uncertainty in our world. But God is still God and He is still good. Again, we don't see the whole picture but we know that He does. He will fulfill every good promise that we find in His word. Lean on that and rejoice in the fact that He loves us so much that He sent His Son to prove it!
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