Day 2133 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Matthew 1:21 NIV

A Son. A Friend. A Teacher. A Healer. A Guide. A Rock. A Savior. Today we celebrate the greatest gift ever given! No matter what we have or don't have we always have Christ. No matter what we face in this life we always have the assurance that He's with us. Even we don't get our way we can rest peacefully knowing that things will always go His way. Nothing we face, nothing we do, nothing we feel will ever send Him running!

I don't know about you but this Christmas just feels a little more special for some reason. Maybe it's because of all we've seen and experienced this past year. Maybe it's because of the hope that Christmas always brings for a brighter tomorrow. It could be that these past months have taught me just how blessed I truly am. Whatever the reason today is one that we should all spend celebrating and being thankful for the gifts in our life.

Family, friends, shelter, clothing, food, water, security, peace, happiness, hope, freedom, salvation. I know that we could add countless things to that list. But the point is that no matter how bad a few days go here and there we all have plenty of reason to rejoice and be thankful. Forgetting how blessed we really are is one of the worst things we could ever do.

I know this sounds like a broken record because so many people share it every single year, but remember what this day is all about. Remember all that's been done for you. Remember all the amazing gifts you've been given. Remember that you're loved more than you will ever know. Remember that today is all about God reaching down to save us through a man named Jesus. There will never be a better story told! And the amazing part is that you and I are all getting to live it!

Merry Christmas my friends!!


  1. Merry Christmas. We have been given the greatest gift ever.

    1. Amen, more than we could have ever hoped for!


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