Day 2134 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Psalm 118:24 ESV

There's always this huge build up to Christmas day. All of the shopping, planning, cooking, and celebrating. Then the day after it's like this crash back to reality when all of the celebrations are over. We start packing up the decorations and find places to put up all the gifts that we received. While Christmas has come and gone, our rejoicing and celebrating the gifts we've been given should never stop!

I felt the need to share this one today to remind everyone that this is a great day too. It is another remarkable gift in itself. Every day is. Holidays get this extra excitement with all of the festivities, but in reality, we should celebrate every single day that we're given. Not because they're all full of parties and too much food but because God chose to open our eyes one more time.

One of the biggest lessons that my parents have always taught me is to be happy in the small things. Not every day is going to be perfect. We won't wake up every morning with the excitement of opening a bunch of gifts from family and friends. Some days, in fact the vast majority of days are rather ordinary. So learning to be happy and excited about the normal days is a huge gift that we can give to ourselves.

Relegating our joy and excitement for the big days will make all those ordinary ones seem dull and boring. And that just shouldn't be the case. If you woke up this morning then you have something to be thankful for. If you have another opportunity to listen to your favorite song or watch that rerun for the hundredth time then you should be excited. If you get one more moment with the people who mean the most to you then you have one of the biggest gifts possible.

Learn to be thankful for every day that God gives you and I promise that life will never be boring or dull. Find joy in the little things, the normal things, the things that we take for granted. If we can do that then we just might be able to realize just how incredible life is, and just how great our Father is. So Happy December 26th friends! This is a truly unique day, and we're blessed to be able to walk through it!


  1. Wonderful post. And Amen. We have a gift that was given to us so long ago but yet is still a gift every day. How many other gifts keep being a gift for eternity. Thank you Father and Happy Birthday Jesus.

    1. That's seriously just about perfect! It's that one act that will forever change our lives and the lives of anyone that gives Him a chance.


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