Day 2135 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Hebrews 10:23 NIV

If 2020 has taught us anything it's that we need something extremely powerful to hold onto in life. No matter how much wishing and hoping we try, we will never be able to eliminate the uncertainty and surprise from life. We will always be faced with things that are beyond our control. So we need something that is unmovable inside of us to keep from getting rocked when life inevitably hits again.

Our faith brings us this hope that is unending and unwavering. Sure we still get hit by the things that life brings our way. It's one of those facts of life that nobody can escape. But even though we face things that are beyond our control we don't have to be at the mercy of emotions or the frustration that comes with trials and tribulations.

I wanted to share this one today because we're less than a week from a new year. This time more than ever before we're all ready to ditch the old and hopefully welcome a new year that is lightyears better than this last one. But that's not a given. That's not a thing that we can control. As we experienced these past 12 months, we don't have any clue whatsoever what tomorrow holds. And while we hope that better days are ahead we should also remain steadfast and prepared in the event that they're aren't.

As we get ready to turn that calendar over to a new set of months remember to start off clinging to your faith. I pray that as we move forward everyone would make faith and their relationship with Christ the utmost priority in life. It's one thing that we have a say in. It's one thing that we can control a little bit. Life will always be uncertain but faith will always be more powerful than those unknowns.

Above all always remember that our hope is in God and God will always be faithfully good to us. Life may not always be good but He definitely will! So moving ahead be sure that your life is anchored in Him because that's the only way to remain steady when life gets bumpy. He is powerful enough to lead us through whatever lies up ahead. Lean on Him today and every day we have left and I promise that those better days will come around! And not because life will suddenly be easier or smoother but because it doesn't matter when we remember that God's still in control!


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