Day 2136 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

Here's another lesson that I've taken away from this year that will live in infamy: we don't have any idea what the days to come have in store. Every single year as we celebrate New Year's Day we're all filled with hope and excitement that the new year will be better than the one before. Think it's safe to say that this year didn't quite pan out like that!

It's been one thing after another pretty much this whole year. Pandemics, food and supply shortages, violence and riots, natural disasters, wildfires, and the list of rough circumstances continues. Gotta be honest, really feel like Yellowstone missed a golden opportunity to cap this year off by erupting!

All jokes aside we've faced a lot this year and most of it nobody would have ever seen coming. That's how life goes. We don't have the luxury of seeing the future. Shoot, sometimes we don't even have the luxury of understanding the present. Thankfully we have a God who is great at both! He sees what comes next and He knows the purposes for what we're going through now.

As I said yesterday we need to approach this upcoming year with a huge priority on our relationships with God. His faithfulness will always be more than enough to get us through whatever life has in store. He will never fail to fulfill His promises. We may never be able to guess what is coming our way, but we can always trust that He will never give up His control or change His mind regarding the promises He has for us.

No matter what this next year has ready to throw at us we should always remember to focus on God's faithfulness and not our circumstances. Chances are not much will make sense as it comes our way. But knowing that God still has a plan and purpose for everything makes all the trials and changes so much easier to face.

And might I suggest that we head into a new year with a focus on humbly trusting in God's plans rather than expecting things to be better all of the sudden. It's far better to keep moving forward while humbly following God than to set ourselves up for more frustration and disappointment. Just remember that He knows what He's doing even if we can't possibly wrap our minds around it!


  1. Amen. We have no idea what is ahead but we know that he already does.

    1. Yep, and there's no bigger reason for hope and peace than that!


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