Day 2137 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Proverbs 3:6 NIV

Kind of continuing yesterday's post. While we may have no idea what lies before us in the days and weeks and months ahead, we do know that God will get us through it. It doesn't have to be easy. Doesn't have to be fun. Doesn't even have to make sense. We're here to live out God's will for our lives and that's all that matters in the end. 

When we commit ourselves to following God's paths then it just doesn't matter if life makes sense. It doesn't matter if we understand what's happening or why it's happening. We can simply keep walking forward knowing that whatever happens is just meant to happen. No more trying to force things. No more foolishly fighting to make things go our way. No more worrying about trying to understand the whys and reasons for things. 

A life spent trusting in God is one of true peace. There have definitely been times this past year where peace has been nearly impossible to find. That's exactly why we need to set our sights on trusting God and never taking our focus off of that. The more we pay attention to the things happening around us the more we're going to feel the doubt and worry of not understanding any of it. But when we're trusting in God then we just won't feel the need to worry whatsoever. 

As this verse is reminding us, when we're completely submitted to following God's plans then all the little things don't bother us anymore. Those pesky feelings of concern when we don't get it just don't register anymore. We can keep putting one foot in front of the other knowing that He's leading us in the right direction and that He always will. Like I said, no more worrying or figuring or struggling to understand. Simply living out the child-like faith we are called to have. 

We're all hoping for a better year up ahead and if we give God everything and trust Him to lead us then it will be better. If we set the selfishness and stubbornness aside and let Him be the One in control then it will be better. We will never go wrong by following Him. Might feel weird to completely surrender but we couldn't possibly leave our lives in better hands than the hands that made them!


  1. Well put. He is our Father and he already knows us and will always know what is best.


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