Day 2138 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Psalm 46:10 NIV

Running ahead with this string of hope and peace as we head toward the new in front of us. Nothing we ever face will change who God is or what He has planned. None of the challenges we face up ahead will ever catch Him by surprise or force Him to alter His plans for us. The future He has in store will be fulfilled no matter how hard life or this world tries to change it.

He is King. He is Lord. He is out Father and He always will be. We need to gear our lives to living for Him by following Him. Spend your time thinking about who you are in Christ and not who you may be in the eyes of anyone else. Devote time to reading His word and humbly accepting the truth found in those pages. Make your faith a priority and never let anything change that.

As this verse is teaching us He will reign victorious when all is said and done. The world might not care about Him or His ways. Some people may mock our faith and laugh at our desire to live good and wholesome lives. We may not fit in. We may go through hard times that try to distract us. We might even suffer pain and humiliation by following Him. But that's that only way to make sure we end up on the winning side of eternity.

So in the new year maybe we should focus more on that call to be still and know that He is God. Maybe we should stop chasing after what the world is after and quit giving so much of our time to things of this place. Maybe in letting go of our human desires for things like comfort, popularity, wealth, and acceptance we can find true peace. Maybe by remembering what really matters in the end all of the bumps along the way there won't jostle us so badly.

If we place our hope and trust on the fact that God has already won and overcome this world then we just won't get caught up in the worries and distractions that life brings. To me there is this incredible peace in knowing that nothing we face will ever change who God is or how much He loves us. Doesn't really matter what this next year may hold because God's already got it sorted out. So be still and know that He is God!


  1. Very good post. A wonderful way to end this year and start another one. Let it go and walk forward trusting in God and walking with Jesus let the past be the past and have faith.

    1. Amen, nicely summed up! Hope this next year is one of our best yet!


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