Day 2142 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Ephesians 4:23 NIV

This is one that I can say with all honesty that I've lived out the past several years. Learning to think differently is what leads to the lifestyle changes that we sometimes need to make. Just wanting to change or grow is fine, but there has to be more than wanting it. Knowing that we need to stop doing something or do something differently is fine, but we have to do something about it.

Resolution season is upon us. We're three days into a new year and a lot of people use this sudden gift of newness to focus on making some changes or improving themselves in some way. Sadly, after a week or two those resolutions are broken and folks slide back into the old patterns that they were trying to break out of. That's because there has to be more than wanting to change or thinking you need to improve.

We can never outwork a bad mindset. We can hit the gym everyday, but if we hate going and loathe the idea of working out then we're going to quit and never get anywhere. We can buy all the diet food and throw away everything we enjoy, but if we make it miserable then we'll never stick to it. We can set our sights on leaving sins and addictions behind, but if we keep looking back convincing ourselves that we miss it then we'll never break free.

This is one that I can say with all honesty that I've lived out the past several years. Learning to think differently is what leads to the lifestyle changes that we need to make. If you want to fix something then set your mind to getting it done and the rest of the process will follow. If you want to let something go or stop doing something that makes you feel pathetic, then get it in your mind just how bad it is for you and how much better you'll be without it. Then those positive changes are inevitable!

If we keep thinking the way we always have then we're going to keep living the same life we've always lived. But if we can learn a new way to see things or do things then we can truly change for the better. Thankfully God is the best when it comes to renewing us. He knows what we can become and He's ready to help us get there if we're only willing to change and see things His way.

There is nothing that we can't change, fix, improve, or leave behind. All it takes is a willingness to try and a commitment to sticking with it. Friends, give God everything and allow yourself to follow Him and be renewed by Him and I promise you will be better for it. Get your mind right by learning from Him and there's no way that you'll fail to make those improvements that you're desperate to make!


  1. Amen. Let him show us the way to a brand new life. Walk with Jesus and experience what God has in store.

    1. Amen! What He has in store is far better than we can imagine. Don't want to miss it!


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