Day 2144 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.
1 Peter 4:2 NIV
Yesterday we talked about how learning to think differently can and will change our lives. This right here is one that I am seriously working on myself. Learning to set aside what I may want and find contentment in what God has planned. No matter what I've set out to obtain or accomplish in life, it's all feeble when compared to what God has planned for me. So our tiny selfish goals will always pale in comparison to God's will for us.
That's why we need to stop focusing so much on what we want. We might get everything our hearts desire. But even if we do we will still be left wanting because no worldly possession or accomplishment can fill our lives. We may never get some of the things that we would love to have or experience. But when we find the peace and appreciation of God's plans then that's okay.
We look at our hopes and plans and see how great they look. They're like these little treasures that we've created in our minds. And that's makes the hard to let go. We just know that if we get what we want then we'll be happy and at peace. But we need to be able to look at our hopes, as exciting and pretty as they may be, and let them float away knowing that God has something even better.
When we humbly let go of our selfish desires then we can see past the limits of our imaginations to the amazing promises God has in store. I know the things that I would like in life. But I also know that God isn't going to change His plans just because I want something. He knows what's best for us. And even if it goes completely opposite of what we hope for, He will still lead us where He needs us to be.
We can either live life sitting around worrying about what we want or we can let that go and embrace what He wants for us. I know that His plans will never disappoint, but we need to find the humility to accept that. As this verse is calling us to do, don't live your life trying to find fulfillment and joy in earthly things. They can never come close to what God has planned. Learn to be thankful for whatever He sends and you'll never feel anything but joy!
Store up our treasures in Heaven.
ReplyDeleteAmen, only place they matter!