Day 2145 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Colossians 3:5 NIV

I don't really know why this idea of new life is on my mind so much lately but I'm loving it! Something about the hope of something new, something better just fires me up. All of us have lived some pretty screwed up lives. Lots of mistakes, too much sin, and a crushing amount of weight because of it all. But thanks to Christ's gift we can move on from those dark days.

He died so that we can live! He gave Himself for us so that we could see and understand the cost of our choices. That cross is a tangible representation of our freedom. But to truly experience and enjoy that freedom, well, part of us has to die too. That part that lives for ourselves has to go. The part that longs for worldly things has to be left behind. That part that is comfortable accepting what's okay instead of striving for more has to die.

As we talked about yesterday, being like this world and living according to what is good enough in human opinion will never be enough. God created us for so much more than earthly mediocrity. He created us to be free, but we've traded that freedom for all this other nonsense that we're told is fun and enjoyable. The things listed in this verse in Colossians are so common and accepted that they're basically normal. It shouldn't be that way!

Friends, if we're going to live a life of faith and make a difference for Christ then we have to rise above what this world accepts. Just because everyone else is doing or other people say it is okay will never make it so. Again, earthly truth and God's truth are completely different things. Live your life according to His ways and you will never again be burdened or held back by the broken ways of this place.

The point is that we were simply created for more. We need to stop settling for less. We need to quit allowing ourselves to accept less than what God put us here for. Make the choice every single day to die to self and live for Christ. Leave your selfish desires and foolish ways behind because there's more than that out there. We're a part of something that changes lives and lasts for eternity. Don't limit that by living your life according to the ways of this world!


  1. Life is short and we should get right while we can. His way is so much better, a better life is waiting.

    1. Amen! Lived the other way and can say that I never found anything worth having. Only want what He wants for me.


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