Day 2146 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Titus 2:12 NIV

We witnessed yet another situation that I never imagined we could see in our country yesterday. The scary part is that seems to be happening more and more frequently these days. In the midst of all the protests, riots, and violence we're seeing our once great nation tear itself apart. And I know that there are probably many wondering how and why it's gotten to this. Well, that's pretty easy actually.

We've continued to drift further and further from God. This mindset of American freedom to do or say anything we want has become a ticket to this new free-for-all that we watch unfold on almost a daily basis. The amount of selfish entitlement has grown and consumed so many that it is now the new norm. And as I've said plenty of times before, we continue to accept and even celebrate sinful actions and wicked intents.

The past several days we've talked about letting go of our evil ways and learning from God how to live the better lives that He created us to live. If we continue heading down the messed up roads we've travelled then we will continue to get the sad and often scary results that we've gotten. So if we want better, and we really should, then we have to change.

We have to let go of the anger that is in our hearts. We need to stop behaving like we're owed something. We need to ditch this idea that our own personal ways of living and thinking are better than everyone else's. We need to stop thinking that whoever disagrees with us is just wrong and should be hated. Most of all, we need to turn back to God immediately. Not tomorrow. Not this weekend at church. This very moment.

The Bible tells us that things will get worse as time goes on and the world around us continues to shove God out of the way. We don't have to follow that path. We are called to say no to the broken ways of this earth and live for something better, something higher. Now is the time for those who believe in Christ to cling to that faith and live like we know we're supposed to live.

We have to show others that it can be done. We have to lead by example by being different from the world around us. We have to be the ones brave enough to live the upright Godly lives that we were created to live. We're seeing more and more that things are getting a little more out of control and just downright shameful. Don't go there. Don't follow that path. Don't lower yourself to that despicable standard. Too many already have, but that will never be the right thing for us to do!


  1. You can't say it enough that we are called to be not of this world. This messed up world will never get better, we are here to have faith and believe, to walk with Jesus and to lead others to the God that can save us.

    1. Amen!! It's one of those messages that feel like I talked about it WAY too much, but it really is important. Like you said, walk with Jesus and help point others to Him. Pretty important!!


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