Day 2148 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Colossians 3:2 NIV

In the world, not of the world. That's pretty much the best way to sum up this past week or so worth of posts. I reckon the main point that I've been getting to is something that I know I've said before. Life is a reflection of what we choose to focus on. If we only pay attention to the bad then we're always going to be pulled away from the joy and happiness we're looking for. So we need to focus on the good instead.

It's so easy to get dragged into the muck this world creates. As we've seen, there are bad things happening all the time. Then you add all the arguing and other negativity on top of it all and you're left with this big mess that sucks people in and leaves them miserable. It's easy to get upset and discouraged when there's so much nonsense in the news and on social media. We're surrounded by it every day!

The way I see it, the good and bad will both always be there. It's up to us to choose to pay attention to the good. And then it's on us to refuse to give in and allow the nonstop negativity to creep back in and pull us back down. And if you ask me, the current state of things gives us the perfect opportunity to learn how to keep our minds fixed on the good in life.

Earthly things only distract us from all that God is doing. We can easily fall into this mindset that tells us that everything going on around us is all that matters. But that will never ever be the case. There is more to life than what we see on the news. We can't afford to miss out on everything God is up to in our lives just because everyone else wants us to focus on the latest headline or outrage.

He is and will always be good. The things He's doing in our lives and around us are good. The blessings we’re given are truly more than we deserve. Don't miss any of that because the world wants you to pay attention to the bad. It's your choice, and friends, it's an easy choice to make!


  1. Amen. Keep our eyes and attention, thoughts and hope on him.

    1. The only place they should ever be! Can't get caught up when we're completely focused on Him alone!


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