Day 2149 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Ephesians 4:29 NIV

Building up. Is that becoming a forgotten idea in our world these days? While it seems that many are set on tearing down and causing harm, it falls on us to focus even more on being the good that Christ calls us to be. We just can't afford to let the darkness win because there is far too much at stake.

It might seem weird, but I've found myself feeling hopeful here lately. You would think that in the shadow of yet another weird and dark time of violence and chaos that hope could be found, but it's the truth. It's the truth because everything that's happened lately has reminded me that our hope is in Christ alone. Not in any man or man-made thing.

That right there is the message that we need to be sharing with those around us. Not what side of the newest fence we're on. Not who we ourselves think is right or who we feel is wrong. Not even every little problem that we see in our world lately. Everyone sees the problems, they're far too big to be missed. So we need to focus on something better because people are looking for hope in all this mess.

So we need to quit contributing to the downfall and start working instead on the lifting up. We need to stop adding more negativity and derision to the pile and focus our efforts on bringing the hope and healing that is found in our faith. Now, just as much if not more than ever before, the good news of the Gospel is crucial. It's the only key to true peace in the middle of whatever else the world may be consumed with at the moment.

It's pretty much common knowledge that you can be part of the problem or part of the solution. The problem now is unrest, division, hatred, and strife. The solution is kindness, compassion, forgiveness, and understanding. We have to lift one another up instead of continuing to pushing each other down. We have to point others to Christ and His hope rather than the havoc around us. "Only what is helpful for building others up."


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