Day 2150 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.
Luke 6:27-28 NIV
It's so easy to take on a rather dim view of life or this world we're living in. After all, things aren't always great down here. In fact, some things are pretty far from even being decent. So it's easy to see all the negative junk and start losing sight of the good that's often overshadowed. But we can't afford to lose that because it's where our hope resides.
Like we talked about yesterday, we have a duty to be kind and help those around us. Not always easy. Seems like these days there are so many sides being drawn that we never really know who's for us or who's against us. Thing is that doesn't really matter. Worrying about who likes us or who hates us should never enter picture. It simply doesn't matter to this equation.
Christ calls us to love others. Even our enemies. Even those that hate us. Even those that don't agree with what we believe or think is right. He points out that very thing toward the end of Matthew chapter 5. Being kind to those who like us and agree with us is easy. Everyone can manage that. But it takes a special kind of love to care about those who are standing on the other side of whatever line has been drawn.
If we're ever going to make things better around here then we're all going to have to find the humility that helps us give people a piece of our hearts instead of a piece of our minds. Fighting and arguing all the time won't do much to start bridging gaps and healing past wounds. But kindness and forgiveness definitely will!
As I said a while back, we just can't afford to let kindness and compassion become extinct in our world. They are how we start making things better. They are what will keep the hope of something better alive, and the darkness of hatred and division at bay. If you're ever in doubt of what you should do, go back to trying that little idea that was popular a couple decades or so ago. What would Jesus do? He would love others no matter what they may think or how different they may be!
They should bring those bracelets back. Don't worry about being like everyone else be different. Be like Jesus.
ReplyDeleteI agree, seemed like simpler times back then. Think we need to bring back quite a few things that used to be cool! Being like Jesus is definitely at the top of the list!