Day 2151 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Matthew 25:13 NIV

Sitting here last night getting ready to call it a day and something hit me out of nowhere. If the Lord comes back tonight, is it worth worrying about whatever we've been worrying about? Are the things that we're doing, saying, or thinking worth the time we spend doing it? Are we wasting time worrying about things that actually do not matter whatsoever?

At some point, which nobody knows, our lives are up. No more tomorrows to worry about. No more trying to figure out the future that lies before us. Just moving on to the next step of this journey. The point is that if something isn't going to matter when we're out of tomorrows, should it matter that much today?

I think so many people spend so much time worrying about so many things that simply do not matter. We imagine the worst possible circumstances and create these problems that we will probably never even face. Our minds are powerful tools, but they can sure bring on some unneeded stress when we allow them to run wild.

I guess what I'm getting at is that peace should be easier to find than we tend to make it. The plain and simple truth is that none of us are getting out of this alive. And nobody knows how much time they have left. We ought to spend every bit of it being as joyful and upbeat as possible. Worrying about every little thing and trying to always figure out what the future may hold might very well be nothing but wasted time.

Please don't waste any of the time you're given worrying about things that are out of your control. Don't spend time on things that won't matter when Christ comes back for us. Each day is a gift and we may as well make the most of every single one of them. Don't let anything steal time that you can't get back. Find peace, find joy, find excitement in life. We only get one trip, why spend it miserable?


  1. But we know know he is coming back. Be ready because we do not want to miss the chance.

    1. Absolutely not! Definitely don't want to miss being ready!


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