Day 2152 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Philippians 4:8 NIV

It's amazing how easy it is to get pulled into worry and fear these days. Every time we turn on the news or log into our social media accounts we're met with all sorts of stories about the world crumbling. Now I'm definitely not saying that there aren't some big things going on, some of them quite bad in fact. But no matter how bad things are made to seem, we can't forget that there is still a whole lot of good too!

This is one that I've had to remind myself of here lately. There's a big difference between being informed and being consumed. It's a good thing to stay informed about the things that are going on around us. But we can't allow that to begin to consume us and lead us to fear that things are spinning out of control. Because the truth is that no matter how crazy life down here seems to us, God is still in control up there and He ain't surprised by any of this.

So if He's not surprised or worried, then we probably shouldn't be either. Maybe instead of buying this popular idea that the sky is falling we should choose to focus on all the good that's still around us. Maybe we should pay more attention to the good in the world and not allow the negative to drag us down so much. As I've always believed, life is a reflection of what we choose to focus on. And whether or not anyone else is telling you, there is a lot of really good things to be thankful for!

Sure, there are people who are tearing things up and creating chaos. But there are still people who are randomly buying lunch at the drive-thru for the car behind them. There are people carrying signs and yelling at strangers. But there are also people who are praying for strangers and carrying the Gospel to those who are desperate for hope. The world will always be full of negative things, but that never means that the darkness is going to win in the end!

I just felt the need to share this because I know these are strange times. A lot of uncertainty and confusion. But even in the midst of all this madness there is still reason for hope and encouragement. There is still plenty to rejoice and celebrate. Again, it all just comes down to what we choose to focus on. So since you get the choice, focus on the good and don't spend too much time worrying that everything is out of control.


  1. Amen. Be a part of the good and live as our Father put us here to live.

    1. Yep, that's how we make the most powerful difference!


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