Day 2153 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

John 1:5 NIV

I woke up this morning thinking about this one. And it kind of goes along with yesterday's post pretty much perfectly. To me it's one of those messages that helps us find hope no matter what may be happening around us. Nothing will ever be able to put out the light of Christ. Now to me, considering how crazy life often gets, that's a pretty amazing thing to think about!

There is nothing that can happen in this world that can possibly change who He is or what He has planned. Nothing at all! His light will always be shining for anyone who's willing to look for it. Personally, I think we should all be looking for it every single day. No matter what we're facing or how we're feeling, we need that hope that He brings into our lives.

You see, the amazing thing about light is that it keeps shining no matter the circumstances. Even if a concrete bunker were built around it, that light will still be shining inside even if we can't see it on the outside. Even if everyone around us closes their eyes or turns away from it, it's still shining behind them for those who stay focused on it. No amount of darkness can force a light to stop shining. It's not possible.

In Christ we have the greatest light the world has ever known. Stronger than all of the darkness in this present age. Brighter than the morning sun. Louder than all the screaming voices around us. Friends, in Him we have every reason for hope and peace that we could ever hope for or need. We just have to make the choice to seek His light and stop paying attention to all of the dark.

Just know that His light is still shining and it always will be. This world can't put it out. Even if everything crumbles, caves in, and spins chaotically out of control, He is still there holding us in His hands keeping us steady. As we talked about yesterday, focusing on the good is pretty much the only way to go through life. And there's just no debating that Jesus is the epitome of good. So focus on Him and His light and the darkness around you can't touch you!


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