Day 2155 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Romans 14:1 NIV

Yesterday we talked about how opinions have become these weapons that so many use to fight with others. I think many have forgotten our whole purpose here. It's not to win fights. It's not to prove our intelligence by making others look silly. It's not to quarrel and squabble over petty things that just don't matter. It's to help others find Christ and share His Gospel with the world.

As I said in yesterday's post, it's hard to reach out a hand to help someone up when our hands are full of stones to throw at them. I don't know when we got this idea in our minds that everyone needs to be just like us, but that’s nonsense. Don't know why we expect others to be perfect when we ourselves are seriously far from it.

This verse is reminding us of the duty we have as children of God. It's to be open and accepting of others. After all, He is. He welcomed us with open arms even with our baggage of sin and shame in tow. He is willing to look past our weaknesses and mistakes because His love is more important. Friends, that's how we should treat others!

So when we look around and see all of this petty arguing, even among many inside of our faith, it makes you wonder what in the world we're doing. We're definitely not sending a very good message to anyone who's curious about our faith. We're not really doing a very good job of showing that Christ's salvation changed us when we behave just like the rest of the world.

When all is said and done we are here to help Him reach out and save those who are lost. If wanting to win some foolish argument is more important to us than that then we've truly missed the plot and need to get ourselves lined back out. Again, we won't always agree with everyone. There will always be differences. But, just as Christ does, we need to be willing to look past all of that and love others anyway. Kindness and humility will always accomplish more than arrogance and pride.

Just always remember, we're here to share His love with those around us. But if all anyone sees is us fighting and arguing over silly nonsense then don't really know why they would ever be interested in anything we have to say. We cannot risk turning someone away from our faith because they think it's nothing but more of what the world offers!


  1. Amen. Not being a very good example. And maybe sometimes that doesn't matter but when spending an eternity in Heaven is at the point then it sure does.

    1. Exactly! It's easy to start thinking in terms of worldly life, forgetting that there's something more coming next. When you think outside of the bounds of this world and these lives then you remember how important it really is!


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