Day 2158 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Acts 18:9 NIV

The power of a dream. Don't know why but that sentence popped in my mind at about 5am this morning. Maybe it was because I had a pretty awesome dream just before then, or maybe it's just because it's something that needs to be shared. Add to it that we just celebrated a guy who's pretty well known for having a dream and I guess we're just gonna roll with this idea!

I believe that God gives us these dreams, these visions, these goals to chase. I believe that He uses them to inspire and motivate us to press on toward the goal that He has for us in Christ. I believe that He really does know what's best for us and will do whatever it takes to get us there if we're humble enough to follow Him and never give up, never look back.

Can you imagine a life of never wanting more? I'm not talking about being content. Contentment is a very great thing, one of those things that all of us should be focused on finding in our lives. No, I'm talking about never wanting to grow closer to God. Can you imagine a life where you thought your faith was good enough as it is? Can you imagine a world where everyone just settled for how things are and never imagined a better way, a more loving and kind place? Can you imagine never going after something bigger than what you think is possible?

That's where the power of a dream comes in. It pushes us to fight for something that seems unattainable. It encourages us to give everything we have to make things better and reach the better version of life that God has for us. That power of knowing that God is able to do more than we can imagine is the kind of thing that changes lives and in turn can change the world!

We humans are apt to seek comfort, rest, satisfaction, and whatever is easy. God wants more for us than that. He wants more than what we think is good enough. He wants us to experience His plans and will for our lives. And He knows that without stoking a fire inside of us to chase after those plans then we'd never get off the couch and seek them ourselves. So that's exactly what He does!

Friends, God has things in store for each of us that we could never imagine. He has plans that we couldn't start to dream of. He has this version of life for us to live that we truly don't want to miss! Fight for it. Push through the desire to sit down and take the easy road. God will do things through us and lead us to things and places that we can't begin to imagine if we follow His will for us.

Just know that there is nothing that is impossible with God. So if He has put something in your heart or on you mind that you feel Him calling you toward, then go. Trust Him with everything and give Him all you've got to give. If we can do that then we will experience what He meant our lives to be!


  1. How blessed are we that he would even choose us to speak to. He has faith in us we need to have that same faith and trust him and walk with Jesus and live out his will.

    1. Awesome point and amen!! It really is amazing that He sees fit to guide us and keep us going. How could you not trust Him and have faith that He's leading us to something more incredible than we can imagine?


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