Day 2159 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 Peter 2:17 NIV

Looking for a good verse to share while listening to the beginning of the inauguration, and well, this one just nails what needs to be said. This has been one of the weirdest elections during one of the weirdest times in our country. It's left a lot of division, uncertainty, anger, and even fear in the hearts and minds of many. But still we must move forward and make the most of whatever lies ahead.

There's no doubting that there are a ton of issues to be worked on. There's a whole bunch of healing that is desperately needed. There are questions and concerns to be addressed. But there is no reason to think that our best days aren't still ahead of us. Looking back over the past year and all that's happened, it pretty much can only get better from here.

But in order for those better days to come we must work together. We need to set aside the politics. We need to put our staunch opinions back on the shelf and allow cooler heads to prevail. We need to start looking for ways to be kind, to be considerate, to be a little more friendly to others regardless of what they look like, who they voted for, or what they choose to believe. We need to start mending the divides and working together if we ever hope to make things better.

I hope that we can all understand that respect will always go further than contempt. Unity will always be more important than division. Understanding will help us more than fighting. And above all, love will always be more valuable and more powerful than hate. Mostly we need to remember that we're all in this together and that we're far stronger when we lean on one another!

So today let us pray for our new leaders as they take over and begin working on all the issues we're facing. Let's pray for one another that we find the peace and hope of better days to come. Let's pray for our country that we can find solidarity moving forward. And above all, let's remember that it's all in God's more than capable hands.

He is our Lord, our King, our Father, our Hope, our Peace, our Promise. Nothing we face can change who He is or what He has planned. So I pray that we place every ounce of our trust in Him alone because that's truly where it belongs. We may not know what tomorrow holds, but He holds tomorrow and that's more than enough! And getting back to living in fear and reverence of Him is the best thing we can possibly do!


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