Day 2160 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

James 4:17 NIV

Yesterday we inaugurated a new leader for our country. It seems like everyone is either really excited or really angry. It's one of those times that fills many with the hope of a new leader and hopefully positive changes ahead. But now that all the fanfare and excitement is over I think it's important to remind everyone that we have to do our part to make things better.

If the past several weeks or months have shown us one thing it's that we shouldn't be placing our trust in some political leader to do everything or fix everything for us. We have to get our hands dirty and do our part to fix things as well. As sad as it is, we simply cannot count on everyone to do the right thing. Unfortunately many people simply won't. That's why it's even more important that we do!

The simple fact is that all of us know what we ought to do when it comes to right and wrong. Even if you don't believe in Christ or consider yourself a religious person, you still know the difference between right and wrong. That knowledge comes with responsibility. We have to duty to do what is right no matter what. It might not be popular. It might not be easy. It might go against what the rest of the world is doing. Doesn't matter, right is right.

We've talked about how we need to be leading by example by following Christ's example. He physically came down here and showed us how to live good lives. He made sure all those red letters were written in that Bible to help teach us the way to go. That's where we strap on our boots and get to work doing what He has called us to do.

As we discussed yesterday, there's no reason that we can't make things better. But it is going to require everyone who's willing to live righteously. It's going to take all of us making a committed effort to do what's right and not what's wrong. Friends, the Holy Spirit that God's given us will guide us in the right direction. We have to follow.

We have to listen to that still small voice telling us what to do. We have to keep fighting the good fight. If we will simply do that then you can bet everything you have that things will improve. Not everyone will, but who cares about the odds? “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” The darkness of this world will never win so long as even just a few of us continue to strive to do what's right and just!


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