Day 2161 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Ephesians 4:22 NIV

A bit of a continuation of yesterday's post. I woke up this morning thinking about Casting Crowns song Start Right Here. That has to be one of the most appropriate and timely songs that I've heard in a while. Been thinking about change and how recent events have filled many with hope of better days ahead. But is has to start with us.

It has to start in our hearts. If we don't change and leave our old broken ways behind then our ability to grow and improve will be severely limited. If we aren't willing to change the ways we think and behave then our capacity to effect change will be hindered. If we can't operate from a base of love and mercy for others then why should expect anyone else to do so?

Big changes always start with small actions. Massive, world-shaking movements are started with one person who's willing to do something differently. I firmly believe we can change things for the better. But if we want those positive changes in our world we need to start with making positive changes in our own lives. After all, it's much harder to fix big things when you're working with weak and broken parts.

Folks, there is nothing that we can't do through Christ. And His salvation, forgiveness, and freedom give us the chance to change for the better and live more acceptable lives than what we've lived in the past. But we have to change. We have to work. We have to put in the effort to do things differently so that we can become stronger and wiser in Christ. Then, and only then, can we hope to help make things around us better.

Again, it has to start right here with each of us getting ourselves right with Christ. Change, repentance, healing, and growth begin in our hearts and then it radiates outward. There is nothing that can't be made better by leaving our old, twisted, embarrassing, and shameful ways behind us and striving for something better. Because when each of us are living for Christ then He will lead all of us, collectively, to the brighter future that He has planned for us.


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