Day 2162 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Luke 8:15 NIV

Here's one from last night's reading that goes pretty well with everything we've been talking about lately. The truth is that each of us can grow into something amazing through Christ. We can gain wisdom and strength from Him that will equip us to do the good things He put us here to do. We really can make a difference. But only if we take in everything we possibly can from Him and His word.

The opportunity for growth in our faith is endless. There's always something we can improve, always something we can learn, and always room to move closer to God. That pursuit should be our main focus and priority in life. It should be the thing that we chase after more than anything else because it's the only purpose that can lead us to being who we were created to be.

Unfortunately, as Jesus says in the verses just before this one, too many things go wrong that keep that faith from taking root in our lives. Earthly passions and desires, popular goals and ideals, evil and darkness. So many things around us can slow or even prevent our walk of faith becoming all it should be. Worldly distractions are truly dangerous because they stand in stark contrast to all God says we should be living for.

Do not allow this world, the opinions of others, or even your own selfish desires to blind you to the calling of Christ in your life. With Him and through Him we can and will accomplish things that we couldn't begin to imagine. We will be a part of the change that reaches people and helps Him save lives. But only if we give Him everything we have and soak up every ounce of Him and His Word that we possibly can.

We all have this opportunity to be more than we can believe. We just have to stop letting other things trip us up and pull us away from His side. When He is our main focus and living for Him our sole priority then His love and peace will be able to take root in our lives and grow into the world-shaking thing it's meant to be. Please don't miss out on that!


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