Day 2163 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Hebrews 10:23 NIV

We've been talking about growing toward Christ and strengthening our faith in Him. Yesterday we discusses how He gives us everything we need to grow and mature in our faith so that we can do the things that He put us here to do. But so often worldly concerns sprout up and choke out the hope that we have in our Father. So many things distract us and lead to forget just how faithful He's always been.

Trust me, I get it! There are things that we go through that are scary. We all face times of uncertainty and confusion. My family and I are literally walking that out as I write this. The changes that come in life aren't always easy to face. And sometimes they're pretty much impossible to understand. Not seeing something coming or being wrap our minds around how we can possibly make it through is definitely unsettling.

But our faith isn't something that helps us through the easy times. We don't need to be courageous to face the days where everything is smooth and it all makes sense to us. No, our faith is what helps us keep going when nothing makes sense. It's the hope inside that keeps us fighting when we don't know how this is all going to go. Our faith is our trust in God, and we should all know how faithful He has always been!

What's weird is this feeling of peace and calm in the middle of something you don't understand. I've gotten to experience that over the past few days and I have to say that it's pretty amazing. I don't know how the coming days and weeks will unfold. I don't know the hurdles that are still in the way. I don't know how long things will take to iron out. But I know that God's in control. And if that's all we know in life then we know enough!

No matter what God leads you to just know that He has a reason and He will get you through it. Will it make sense, probably not. Will it be easy or comfortable, I doubt it. But those things don't matter in faith. All that matters is that we remain steadfast in our faith and cling to the hope we have in God. I know I say it all the time, but He's not let us down yet and He isn't going to start now!

Never give this world or the things you face the power to make you doubt in Him. Do not do that yourself. Life is hard enough even when we do have that faith, hope, and trust in our hearts that God is always in control. I cannot imagine facing this without leaning on Him. Again, don't do that to yourself! As with everything else in life, He's got this and will get us through whatever comes our way!


  1. Very good verse and yes, hang on. He has always had us and always will. Thank you Father.


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