Day 2164 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Lamentations 3:22 NIV

Forgiveness is one of the most powerful gifts anyone could ever give someone else. Have you ever really taken the time to consider how much God loves us? Each of us have made so many mistakes in life up until now. Countless times we've failed, stumbled, and let Him down. Yet He still chooses to love us, to forgive us, and to give us new opportunities to try again every single day.

I can't possibly remember how many mistakes I've made but I know that number is massive. I still mess things up all the time. As my mom puts it, I'm not a very good person. I try to be. I want to be. I will never stop working to do better. But in the end I am a sinner that has made far more bad choices than I've ever made good ones. So to think that He's not done with me is mind-blowing!

As this verse reminds us, His compassion never fails. His love never ends. His kindness and forgiveness are bigger than our ability to be dumb. Thankfully! To be honest, we should all be left hopeless. We shouldn't have any room to hope for anything good because none of us deserve it. We definitely shouldn't even be able to dream of an eternity of peace in Heaven. Shouldn't be on the radar.

But it is because of who God is. That hope is possible because He's willing to look past our mistakes to see what we can still become. He's willing to let us try again because He knows that we're capable of more than all those mistakes we've made. He's willing to forgive and continue leading us to better days because He simply loves us even though we've been far from lovable.

It's one of those things that is actually pretty hard to wrap your mind around. How could someone still see the good in me when there have been times that I couldn't even see it myself? All that matters is that God's love will never end, never run out, never fail. And His mercy and compassion are big enough to cover our countless sins. When you really think about it, it can't help but make you want to fight to be better every day. If He won't stop loving and forgiving then we shouldn't stop working to improve either!


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