Day 2165 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Luke 10:16 NIV

I think we all need little reminders like this one to keep us both humble and hungry. It's so easy to start thinking that we're supposed to play a bigger part in this story. But in truth it has always and will always be about pointing others to Christ. He's the one that does the saving part, we're just the ones that tell people where to look.

It can easily become discouraging when we look around and see so little change in the world around us. There are so many problems and we have the answer to every challenge we're facing right now. But we can't force people to listen. We can't force people to turn to Christ. We can't force anyone to do anything. All we can do is share the truth that we've been given to share and pray that it's received with open ears, minds, and hearts.

I know that I've been guilty of this one myself. We take it personally whenever someone disagrees with us or doesn't care to listen to what we have to say. We really want to be liked and accepted, but that will never be the goal of the Gospel. The goal of Christ is to save those who are willing to repent of their sins and open their hearts to Him. Again, it has nothing to do with us. We're just the vessels carrying His message to the world.

I guess my point is to remember why we're here and to not let the closed-minds around us discourage us from the task at hand. With the current state of things there are countless people who don't care about what we have to say. Plenty of people will never be open to our faith. Sadly, too many people will never know Christ. But we can all do everything we possibly can to make sure they at least hear His name and have that opportunity to be saved.

It's on each of us to choose to give Christ a chance in our lives. If someone doesn't want to, that's on them. As much as it may sting for someone to ignore us or disagree with us, the truth is they're ignoring and disagreeing with God. And that's a very dangerous choice to make! Again, all we can do is spread the word and pray that it takes root where it's supposed to. The rest is up to those who hear it to take it to heart and allow Christ to work in their lives like He has in ours.


  1. Amen. We have a job to do and we can not be affraid or ashamed of doing it. Everyone needs to hear the good news. But it is on them to accept it.

    1. Exactly! At least we can say that we tried!


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