Day 2166 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 Corinthians 12:12 NIV

Sitting here in the quiet watching the snow fall softly outside the window. I've always loved winter. It just seems like a more peaceful time of the year. Everything just slows down a bit. Plus you get to celebrate some pretty great holidays and enjoy the simple things like snow falling. To me it's always been refreshing and easily one of my favorite seasons.

But I also realize that there are some who don't like winter. Probably some that don't like snow. Definitely some that don't like calm and quiet. And that's okay. We're all different. We all have different interests. We have different perspectives. We each have a very specific calling from God and different tools to help us do what He put us here to do. Being unique and created to be slightly different than anyone else is a good thing!

Sadly I think we've forgotten that somewhere along the way. These days we use differences as these reasons to judge others. We see our differences of opinion as excuses to hate anyone that disagrees with us. We've taken something that should be celebrated because it makes life interesting and used it to cause hurt and division that prevents us from working together as we should.

The fact is that we're all in this together. Like it or not, we're all created by God and put here to do good in this world. Black or white, rich or poor, short or tall, skinny or rotund, we each have a purpose. We each have a gift that makes us unique, a gift that God gave us to share with the world. We were all created different, but created to work together. It's about time that we remember that!

It doesn't matter if you like what I like. It doesn't matter if I listen to the same music that you do. It doesn't matter if we agree on everything. It doesn't matter if we look alike. What matters is that we open our hearts and allow other people to be the unique creations that God made them to be. If we were all the same then life would be boring and we'd never have the opportunity to see things from different perspectives. That's something to be appreciated, not something to fight about all the time.

Just like this verse is saying, we're all members of one body in Christ. Now it would be really hard to get through life like we're used to it if our bodies didn't have the different parts that God designed to do certain things. I can't imagine trying to eat with my ear! So maybe we need to calm down, learn to appreciate our differences, and mostly learn to appreciate others. We're never going to be the same and that's okay. What matters is that we find a way to work together for the good of everyone!


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