Day 2168 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Luke 13:14 NIV

People will judge others for literally anything they don't agree with, even healing others. I read through Luke 13 last night and this one stuck out. I've been thinking a lot about how we're here to help those around us. I know that each of us have chances to do good in this world. And that's exactly what we need to do, no matter who likes it or who doesn't!

It's really weird to think that someone might be angry with us for doing good. I reckon it's a matter of everyone having their own idea of what's right and true these days. Everyone's taken it upon themselves to decide their own ideals and is ready to fight and argue with anyone and everyone who thinks differently. Kind of easy to see why we're all on edge and dealing with so many issues.

Our duty is to help those around us and be the good that Christ calls us to be in this world. No questions asked. No worrying about who agrees. If our goal is to please others then we're doing it all wrong. That should never even creep close to our list of priorities. It definitely doesn't come close to the importance of being His hands and feet down here.

As I said in my Random Thought yesterday over on my blog,, if you have the means and opportunity to help someone else then just do it! Take full advantage of the chances you're given to help. There might be some that don't like it, but guess what, their opinions don't matter! There may be some that are ready to judge you for your kindness. Let them!

If we're judged, hated, ridiculed for doing something good, then as this verse shows us, we're in some pretty good company! I think we all need to remember that words and opinions don't hurt us. They definitely don't define us. What does define us is our heart, our character. The way we treat those around us is a reflection of what's in our heart. And if someone doesn't like us for doing something to help someone then they've got some seriously deep issues!

My point is to just let others do or say whatever they want. If they like you and agree with you then great. If they get angry with you for doing something to help someone then why should their opinion matter anyway? Nothing will change the fact that we're called to help others and share Christ's love and kindness with everyone. Keep your heart fixed on doing that and never ever worry about anyone else may think about it!


  1. Live as Jesus did and put people and what God put us here to do first. Sometimes the rules do not really line up with what God's rules are.

    1. Perfectly said!!! We get lost trying to be what we've been told to be and doing what we're expected to do. But we have to remember that it's about Him and what He put us here to do. That's all that matters in the end!


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