Day 2171 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 Peter 4:3 NIV

There comes a time in all of our lives when we're presented with a choice. We can either choose to keep doing what we've always done, travelling the same road we've been on. Or we can turn, change, try something different, do something new. One option is easy, comfortable, popular, and extremely common. The other is harder, takes more work, and might lead to leaving all kinds of things behind.

But having lived this, and still living it today, I can say that it's worth making that choice to leave things behind and do something new. Whether it be a matter of your health, your happiness, your peace, or whatever other reason you might have, it is worth it! We owe it to ourselves to give God a chance to lead us both to and through the changes that He knows need to be made in us.

If we don't change then we'll never experience anything new. If we keep following this broken culture and those around us then all we will ever have is whatever they have. And while some of it may seem fun and exciting, there's nothing this world can offer that can compare with what God can give us by following Him. No amount of money can buy His kind of joy and happiness. No material possession can bring His kind of peace and comfort.

Nothing in this place can hold a candle to what life is like when we're living for God according to His plans. But if we never change, never give Him a chance then we will never know that. The truth is that there is something so much better than what everyone else seems to be fascinated by. And all it takes to find it is a willingness to be different, to make changes, and allow the world to stop influencing us as it has.

Our faith is like this seed of hope and change. It starts small and begins making these little changes in our lives. And the more we give it, the more focus on it, the more of a priority it becomes the more it grows. Please make it a priority in your life and give God everything you have. It is worth leaving this world and its broken ways behind. It is worth making the tough changes and putting in the hard work to do thing differently. It's worth it because it leads to our eternal salvation. And friends, this world just can't offer us that!


  1. I love the way you wrote this. Let go of everything else and just start that relationship with God. Take that step with Jesus and let ourselves be changed.

    1. Thank you!! It's the best thing we can ever do! Learning to put Him and His desires first will help everything fall into perspective! And we will definitely be better for it!


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