Day 2172 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Psalm 37:4 NIV

I was lying in bed last night thinking about all I've seen and felt God do in my life lately. It really is true that the good Lord provides, even if we don't see a way forward. He's always up to something and we can count on Him every day and in every situation. It's really amazing when you see something happen and you just know that God was behind it!

But it got me to thinking about how faithful He's always been, and how much more faithful I should be. He's given and done so much in my life and I owe Him more than I could ever possibly repay. There's no way to even remember all the things that He's done, gotten me through, and given me along this journey. His blessings are endless and innumerable!

The very least that I can think of to do in return is to live the best life that I can. Just give Him all that I have because I know that I wouldn't have anything without Him. When we make God our main focus then everything else comes into perspective. This verse tells us that when God is our source of hope and happiness then He will take care of the desires of our heart.

That's because when we take delight in God then our hearts can finally learn what's really important. Kind of goes along with what we talked about yesterday in leaving the world and its desires behind and choosing to live for more. When God is our goal then we can finally see that all this worldly stuff really doesn't matter. We will be able to understand that what we want and what God wants are very different things, and His wants are far better!

This life of faith is about unlearning all the twisted things this globe teaches and learning what's right, true, and meaningful from God. Make Him your focus, your priority, your everything and you will see and feel the difference. He will give us the desires of our heart because He will create a new heart within us that is completely set on living for Him. And when that's our purpose then there's no way that we couldn't be overwhelmed with joy, peace, and thankfulness!


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