Day 2173 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Matthew 16:26 NIV

Life is this series of trades. We trade our time to earn money. We trade our money for things we need or want. We trade the things we have for newer versions. We trade our peace for worries. We trade something with every decision that we make. So we better make sure that we're good with losing whatever we're giving away to have whatever we're getting in return.

But let me make it as clear as I possibly can, nothing this world offers is worth losing our souls. Nothing in this place is as valuable or important as who God made us to be. Nothing. There is not a thing that we can gain in this world that is worth losing sight of God or who we are in Him.

We should all know that because we have all experienced it in some way. Like I said, we trade our peace for worrying about things. We give the trials we face this power to distract us from the promises and provision of our Father. That's something that every single one of us have done and experienced, probably quite a few times. But now imagine that on an eternal scale!

That's exactly what this verse is trying to help us see. Anything that we chase in this world is a distraction from something far bigger. Our eternal peace is worth more than obtaining some earthly title. Our Heavenly home is worth more than some fancy house down here. Our time spent in prayer, in worship, in growing toward God is worth far more than time spent trying to keep up with the news and growing our bank accounts.

What I'm getting at is that our priorities need to be set much higher than anything tangible. I know I seem to say this A LOT, but if it has a price tag then it's not that valuable! So please don't live your life for things. Don't trade your soul for something meaningless and perishable. Don't trade who you are in Christ for who someone else wants you to be! Pour that time, energy, and focus into your walk with Christ.

When this life is over and this world passes away our relationship with Him will be worth exponentially more than any worldly possessions, titles, or comforts. Friends, your eternal soul is worth more than anything down here! Please don't forget that, and please don't give it away for things that simply don't matter!


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