Day 2176 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Proverbs 18:15 NIV

I shared a little story yesterday about something that I noticed that I needed to work on. Not sure if anyone else does that but it seems to be something I'm doing constantly. I make these little mental notes of things I do or say that I feel I need to fix or change. I pay attention to how other people behave and listen to the things they say and make notes of things that don't seem right.

It's not from a judging perspective at all. I just think that we're surrounded by endless opportunities to learn and become wiser. I think that we have all kinds of examples of right and wrong and it's on us to take it all in, sort it, and use it to better ourselves. There's always something to learn, something to notice, something that can make us better if we're willing to listen and pay attention.

We have to learn in order to improve. We have to admit that we don't know everything so that we can learn new things, things that we need to know. We have to be humble enough to realize that not everything we say and do is right so that we can do better. It's not something to ashamed of or avoid. It's an amazing opportunity to grow and gain wisdom and understanding.

God gave us minds to use them. He didn't create us to find what works okay and just stick with it. He created us to continually learn and grow. He gave us this endless capacity for knowledge if we're willing to keep pursuing it. There's no end to what we can learn and how much we can improve ourselves when we set our sights gaining wisdom wherever and whenever we can.

I wanted to encourage everyone to pay attention to the things you say and do. Watch and listen to the things that other people are saying and doing. If it's good, positive, uplifting, and helpful then take it in and use it to make you better. If it's derogatory, filthy, hurtful, and demeaning then get rid of it. If we're always looking for ways to improve then we will. If we're looking for things to change or do better then we will grow!

Like I said, God gave us minds to use and plenty of things to help us refine ourselves. Take advantage of that!


  1. Amen. Plenty to learn, we do not anywhere near as much as there is to learn. Listen to God, walk with Jesus and take it all in.

    1. Well said! He made so much for us to see, no point in stopping anywhere along the way and missing more of what He's done and doing!


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