Day 2177 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Galatians 6:4 NIV

Yesterday we talked about how we have so many opportunities to learn in life. We can always do something better. None of us will ever have the luxury of being perfect so we can let that idea go! Instead, replace it with this unyielding desire to improve ourselves. Like I said in yesterday's post, when our focus is learning and growing then there's no end to what we can refine in our lives.

We have a responsibility to ourselves to always be evaluating what we're doing, saying, and thinking. If we're not then who knows what kind of junk is piling up inside? We have to constantly be testing whatever we're doing to ensure that it's right. That way we can find all those little bits and pieces that are holding us back and keeping sin in our lives and deal with them. That's how we do better!

Unfortunately, settling or accepting is a far too common trait in humanity. We get it in our minds that a little sin isn't that bad if we don't pay attention to it. A little lie here or there won't hurt anyone all that bad. A little bit of darkness isn't so dangerous. But all of that is nonsense. It's nothing but this fallacy that we use to convince ourselves that it's okay to stay where we are and keep doing what we're doing. After all, that's far easier than changing!

But the Gospel is supposed to invoke change. It's God's message telling us that even the tiniest bit of sin is still deadly. The cross is the visual proof that we have to change our ways and fight every single day to do better and leave our broken and sinful ways behind us. It might not be comfortable to sift through our words, thoughts, and actions looking for what we're doing wrong but it's the only way to fix those problems!

There's this amazing sense of accomplishment and joy when we're growing toward Christ. But we can only experience it when we're actively looking for things in our lives that need to be fixed, changed, or simply gotten rid of altogether. It's a very good thing to always be looking for chances to learn and change something for the better. In fact, it's exactly what this verse is calling us to do. Never settle for less than what God created you to be!


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