Day 2178 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Proverbs 17:22 NIV

This is a little reminder that you can be happy. Not really sure why, but that fact seems to be lost on many in our modern society. Maybe it's because there's so much going on around us lately. Or perhaps it's just because happiness is sometimes really hard to find in life. Whatever the reason we need to get past it and work on simply finding joy again.

I don't quite understand why anyone wouldn't want to be happy and cheerful. Sure, life sucks sometimes but it's only that much worse when we let it bring us down. When we are constantly playing the victim to our circumstances then we're only allowing them to have this power over us. We're giving whatever we're going through the right to keep us from being happy. Why do that?

Do not get me wrong, I completely understand that not everything in life is smooth or easy or enjoyable. Fully understand that! Most things go differently than we'd like and some stuff is as miserable and painful as it gets. But if we can find a way to walk through it with a smile on our face and joy in our hearts then even the hardest day won't be quite so bad. It definitely won't be as bad as it is when we face it with anger and frustration.

We need to quit setting ourselves up to be miserable. I talk a lot about focusing on the good and not allowing the bad to suck the life out of you. We've talked a lot about trusting God and His plans even when they don't seem to make sense. At the end of the day we don't get to control much in life. Can't control God's plans. Can't force everyone around us to be kind or happy themselves. But we can always choose to be positive and upbeat. Always.

Just don't let life get you down because you simply don't have to. Everything is better when we're determined to be happy. So why let anything take that opportunity away from you? Why let life dictate how you feel? Make the choice to be happy no matter what lies ahead and I promise that whatever is coming will be much easier to deal with and get through. Don't make this journey harder than it already is by adding unneeded negativity to the mix!


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