Day 2180 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Jeremiah 10:23 NIV

I honestly believe with everything I have that we're here to follow God rather than figuring things out without Him. The more we try to force things to go our way the more mistakes we're going to make. Without God's guidance we're leaning far too much on our own strength, knowledge, and ability. The point is that we will never get where He can take us without following Him!

I've said so many times in these posts that trust is scary. Control brings us comfort. However, as long as we try to stay in control then we're pushing God out of the way. We convince ourselves that we know how to get where we want to go. But as this verse is pointing out it's not up to us to decide where we go. It's not up to us to chase after what we want. Our job is to follow God wherever He leads and whenever He leads us there.

While that may take us in a much different direction than anything we would choose or expect, it's going to be for our best. We just need to let go of that human desire to understand everything. We need to stop trying to force things to go how we want them to go and trust that they will always go how God has ordained. It's another one of those things that boils down to humility. Setting aside our wants and visions in exchange for what God has planned.

What we'll find by surrendering control to Him is joy and excitement for life. We can finally experience His plans and take it all in without being so focused on forcing things to go according to our dreams. We can trust that God knows what He's doing and that His plans are better than anything our little minds can imagine. But until we take ourselves out of the spotlight and let Him captain this ship we're never going to find peace.

Take the biggest, most amazing dream you've ever had and now imagine that God has something even bigger. The most incredible thing you want is nothing compared to what He has for you. When we look at it like that then it helps us understand why we need to trust Him and follow His steps instead of plotting our own course. He will lead us to things we can't begin to imagine. But we have to take His path and stop worrying so much about sticking to our own!


  1. Simply said, Let go and let God. He knows the way and he will lead us there. Have faith and walk with Jesus.


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