Day 2181 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Proverbs 24:16 NIV

Failure. What a terrifying word, right? Well it depends on your perspective. Some see failure as proof of not being good enough. They think that failing at something is this horrible final ending. But the way I see it, failing at something is proof that we tried. We may have not made it but we gave it a go. We might fall short but at least we're further than if we never left the starting line. See what I'm saying?

I had a couple of awesome workouts to start the week. Definitely better than I would have imagined with injuries and illness plaguing my normal routine lately. Went into yesterday not feeling quite well, but tried anyway. Didn't go how I wanted it to go. Made it about 20 minutes or so, far from the hour and half that I usually put in. So I failed. I fell short. I didn't accomplish what I truly wanted to.

But I tried. We need to start learning to see things differently. Instead of seeing something as failing, look at the effort you put in. Maybe the results aren't what you were looking for, but the effort shows that you were willing to try. That kind of effort is rare and something that we should be proud of. Not everyone will try. Most will sit on the couch and dream of what might be possible. But those who are willing to get in the ring, give everything they have, and risk falling short are the ones that will accomplish things.

What we need to always remember is that there is no failure when we're following God. Things may not go like we imagine. We're definitely more than likely to stumble and mess up along the way. But as long as we keep going and keep leaning on Him whenever our best falls short then we will get wherever He's taking us. But if we let the fear of falling or not being perfect keep us from trying then we will never know what's possible. We will never experience what He has for us to see.

Don't live in fear of failing. Live in fear of never trying. That's the ultimate failure. So as long as you keep getting back up and refuse to quit then you will succeed!


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