Day 2182 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

John 3:19 NIV

Absolutely love everything about this verse! Read it last night and woke up with it still in mind so I had to share it. It has that timeless truth to it that the Bible still holds. It applies as much to our lives today as it did way back then. And with talking about failure and messing up lately, it fits that really well too!

The fact is that all of us have done things that we're far from proud of. We've tried to cover up and hide those weaknesses and mistakes. We don't want anyone to see that we're messed up. Guess we figure that if we can convince others that we're good enough then maybe that lie will take root in our hearts and we won't have to feel that sting of shame and regret anymore.

But these days we've taken it even further. Society has in many ways decided to make evil look okay. The world twists and turns things seeking justification for living in sin so that nobody has to feel bad. Again, if we can have someone else tell us that it's okay to do what's wrong then we won't feel quite so guilty about our sins and mistakes. Not really how it works though. That might be good enough in the minds of humanity, but it's never going to fly with God!

Instead of hiding or trying to justify our shortcomings, maybe we should look at the opportunity we've been given. Forgiveness. We don't have to hide or try to vindicate what's been forgiven. We can simply accept that undeserved gift and, here's the big part, allow it to change us. That's right, Christ's salvation should change us. It should pull us up out of the darkness of our old sinful lives and push us to live far better from here on.

If someone wants to believe that hiding sins or justifying poor choices is good enough then that's up to them. We can spend our lives hiding in shame and lying to ourselves and those around us. Or we can let Christ wash all those stains away and live in His light. Just remember, hiding something or reasoning it out doesn't make it right. It just keeps giving our filth power over us. So why not come clean, ask for His mercy, and then get to work repenting of those messed up ways?


  1. Funny how things do not change, just time does. Let go off everything, he already knows us and still loves us. Jesus has already paid for our sins so there is just the letting go, the asking for forgivness, acccepting Jesus's gift and letting God into our hearts. Much better life.

    1. Amen, well said! What's done is done but it doesn't need to hold us back from moving on to something far better!


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