Day 2183 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 Timothy 6:6 NIV

So many people just won't allow themselves to be happy. These days it's all about materialism and having everything go our way all the time. And when things inevitably go counter to our hopes then we freak out and get all angry. When we don't get something we want then we start feeling sorry for ourselves. Not sure why we feel the need to continually chase things that can't make us happy, but we need to realize that we already have enough.

Being content is something that's becoming far too scare these days. Seems like everyone is focused on finding something in this world that makes them happy. Some look to things sitting on shelves at the store. Other think that happiness is found in trying to please someone else or fit into some group. But what we will always find is that it doesn't really matter what we have around us. If we're not happy inside then nothing outside can help.

The more I focus on my faith and make growing toward Christ my goal, I'm able to see that I'm blessed to be me. Do I have everything I ever wanted? No. Has everything in my life gone as I would have hoped or chosen? Nope. Do I have struggles and things that I need to work on and do better? Absolutely! But learning to be happy and content with who we are and who God is making us through this journey is where we find peace in life.

I'm good with not getting everything I want because I know that isn't where I'll find joy. Joy is knowing I'll always have everything God knows I need. I'm good with my flaws because Christ has helped me see them so that I can work on doing better. I'm good with my weaknesses because they're opportunities to lean on God's strength and provision. I'm good with however this life goes because I know that it's all according to His plans for me. I'm good with with this story I get to live because He wrote it just for me!

We can't live thinking that happiness will be found in anything of this world. We can't spend our lives chasing things that are made by human hands. We can't waste this time we have focused on everything we want and worrying about getting our way. Learn to be thankful for the blessings that you've been given. Learn to be good with who you are in Christ and the plans He has for you because that's the ultimate gain!


  1. This is a beautiful verse and post. To not only know God but to be happy with our lives and want only to be better in for him is the greatest life ever.

    1. Amen, it really is incredible! Helps us see what is most important and it just doesn't get more important than finding peace and happiness in our faith and our Father.


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