Day 2186 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

John 6:37 NIV

When we finally stop trying to fit in to this world and quit caring about what others think about us then we're free to move on. We're free to actually let a whole bunch of stuff go and truly give Christ a chance to change our lives. What we'll find when we do open our hearts to Him is that sense of belonging that we've searched so many other places to find.

We were made to need a relationship with God. He created us to be His children so He could be our Father. But through the lessons the world teaches and getting lost in all those earthly things that never really mattered, we forgot that. We thought that we could find a sense of home down here. We started thinking that somewhere out there in this big old world was everything we needed to feel whole.

But no matter how long we look or how many places we try to find it nothing ever clicks. That's because it's not meant to. We need that connection to God in order to ever feel alive, to ever feel complete. And thankfully He's always there with open arms to welcome our prodigal selves back. All it takes is the humility to realize that we don't know what we're doing and that we just need Him instead of all the other things we thought mattered.

Like I said at the beginning, when we turn back to Him we will find home. We'll find where we were always meant to be. And the awesome thing is that He will never turn us away. He will never leave us, never stop loving us. That's definitely not something this world can offer. Down here, some only care about us when we have something to offer them. And as soon as they lose interest in us or we can't continue to be what they want us to be they're done with us. We should be truly thankful that God doesn't work like that!

It will never matter if we fit in here. It won't matter if everyone likes us or agrees with how we live our lives following Christ. This is not our home, He is. This is not where our eternity will be spent. It will be spent with Him. So don't live your life thinking that this globe is all there is. He's bigger than this world! Turn to Him and trust in the promise of this verse. He will never turn you away!


  1. Thank you Father. A forever home and a Savior that love us more than we understand. Our rock.


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