Day 2187 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

John 6:29 NIV

I think someday we're going to be amazed at how hard we've made this faith thing. Pretty sure we do that with just about everything. It's almost like we intentionally go out of our way to overcomplicate anything that we can. Don't know if we just like things being difficult or if it's a product of the ways of this world but maybe things really are easier than we make them.

We live in a world that has requirements for nearly everything. So perhaps we're just used to feeling like we have to work for and earn everything. We've gotten used to having to say all the right things and do all the right things in order to be accepted and approved of by those around us. But as we've talked about lately, we're not here to fit in or gain worldly acceptance.

The truth is that God knows that we're not perfect. He knows that there's nothing that we can offer Him because He has no needs. We can't buy our way into Heaven. Saying all the right things won't punch our ticket. Living this ideal life won't earn His love. He's already given it to us! So we need to stop living like we can earn salvation and focus our attention in another direction.

As Christ is telling us in this verse, the work of God is to believe in Him. To be faithful to Him. To follow His leading in our lives. To trust that He is the Son of God and give Him the praise and honor that no one else deserves. We have taken the simplicity of believing in Christ and added all these rules and requirements on top of it. Maybe we need to strip away all the man-made ideas and focus in on the foundation of faith.

Our words and actions are important. But what's even more important is our faith in Christ. If we don't believe, if we don't trust, if we don't humbly follow Him then we're never going to get anywhere. As we've discussed in so many of these posts, it's about the relationship. Don't make it harder than it needs to be. Believe in Christ. Love God. Love others. Keep it simple and don't allow yourself to get lost in that idea that you can somehow earn your way into Heaven!


  1. I really love this one. Like I heard on the radio ages back, we try to be perfect and worry because me aren't and that we mess up. But he already knows that, he knows us and we can be perfect. So know that we are loved and as you perfectly said, keep it simple.

    1. Thank you, and that's the whole point! Stop wasting time trying to be something we can't be and simply focus that time on growing closer to Him!


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