Day 2188 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

John 8:32 NIV

We've been talking a lot about how our faith is dependent on our relationship with Christ. It's not about what we have to offer Him. It's not about who likes us or approves of us. It's not about our worldly accomplishments or anything else like that. It's about focusing on Christ and living our lives committed to following His path for us.

I was reading through John last night and this one hit me a little different than it ever has before. I've always thought about the freedom of being truthful. The truth is what it is and it never needs to be defended or justified. But lies have to be solidified because they're empty. They're made up. They're fake. So not having to deal with coming up with lies or having to remember the falsehoods we've thought up is freeing.

But when I read this verse last night I realized that maybe it isn't just talking about being honest and truthful. Maybe it's talking about knowing the Truth. Christ. He is the truth. So while being honest is a very important thing, knowing Christ as the Truth is even more important. That's because He offers a kind of freedom that is unequaled in our world.

His freedom is freedom from lies. From worry. From doubt. From the need of earthly acceptance and approval. Freedom from the weight of our past sins and the shame they bring. Freedom from the cost that those mistakes deserve. Freedom from feeling like we need to find a way to fit in even if it means changing who we're meant to be. Freedom to simply be who He made us and not worry about anything else.

Knowing the truth, knowing Jesus Christ will set us free. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. When we build our lives and our faith on Him then we can finally see what matters. We can finally see that living according to the ways of this place doesn't hold the meaning that so many think it does. Mostly we can finally understand that living for Him is truly the only way to spend our time down here.

There is life-changing freedom in Christ. I truly pray that everyone opens their hearts and allows Him to show you His truth. We don't have to live these limited little lives that are only worried about what everyone else is worried about. There's more to life than just what this world chases after. Break away from following the lies and take some time to grow toward Christ. I promise you'll be so much better for it!


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