Day 2189 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

John 9:41 NIV

You have to love those old-school Biblical mic-drops! Reading through the story of Jesus healing the man who was born blind and the very last verse in chapter 9 just dropped the cold hard truth. The Pharisees were arguing with Christ about healing the man, and He took the opportunity to point out their hypocrisy and lack of true understanding.

At one point or another we've been convinced that we knew it all. We allowed our pride to become our own blindness. This idea that we were perfect, knew everything, and were above reproach became a stumbling block that prevented us from actually growing in the truth. That's an all too common thing in life. Our arrogance keeps us from seeing our weaknesses and guilt. It prevents us from improving because we've convinced ourselves that we don't need to. Dangerous place to be!

And when it comes to our faith that's the last thing we ever need to do. Our faith brings with it this responsibility to continue leaning on Christ, not ourselves. We claim to live by faith in Him. We claim to be focused on learning His truth. So we know better than to think we have everything figured out. We know better than to think we're above anyone else. We're no longer blind to what sin is and the cost that it carries. So we have the responsibility to live like it!

There's no getting out of that responsibility. It doesn't matter if we've convinced ourselves that we're perfect. Doesn't matter if we don't think we have anything else to learn. Doesn't matter if we think our sins are lesser than anyone else's are. What matters is that we never stop trying to improve in our faith. We can't allow our arrogance or pride to blind us to our need for Christ's healing and salvation.

Once we come to know Christ and learn the difference between right and wrong we can't claim stupidity anymore. We can't very well say that we didn't know something was wrong when we're reading the book that tells us it is! The point is that we've been shown the realness of our sins and the cost of our choices. We will always be responsible for that knowledge. None of us are blind to the truth anymore so we have no excuses to keep living in sin or allow ourselves to stop trying to grow!


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