Day 2190 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Isaiah 14:27 NIV

You guys realize what we're a part of? I think we often limit what our faith really is by trying to wrap our minds around it. But we can't fathom how big it really is. It can't fit inside of our understanding. It brings walls of cities down. It parts seas. It sets the captives free. It gives sight to the blind and helps the deaf hear. It raises the dead to life!

I was listening to Unspoken yesterday and their song Bury the Workman really hit me. Nothing can stop God's work. Even if they try to kill every believer, God will still win. Even if they burn all the Bibles and turn off all the Christian radio stations. If they outlaw prayer and refuse to let churches meet. Nothing can stop the work that God is doing. This world and the evil in it simply can't compete with Him!

The Bible talks about so many people of the faith that our world silenced. Killed. Tortured. Stoned. Eliminated. Or so they thought. They thought that taking the breath from Christ would stop His message and movement in its tracks. But it didn't, and it never has. All those people they killed live on in the pages of the Bible. The songs, traditions, and movements continue to this day. We still worship and serve the Man they nailed to a tree. I'm telling you there is no stopping this thing!

We need to stop trying to shrink our God down into something that we can understand. We have to stop worrying about whether or not He can handle our problems and forgive our mistakes. He is so much bigger than us and nothing we do can change the plans He's written for our lives. He is unchanging, unstoppable, and amazingly enough He chooses to love us. So nothing we do, nothing this world tries, nothing that anyone else thinks is big enough to change His mind.

So stop limiting God. Stop limiting your faith. Stop limiting your prayers. Go big. Go so big into this life of faith that it scares you. Pray so big that it seems silly. Believe so much that everyone else thinks your nuts. There is no stopping our faith, no stopping our God! Go all in and give Him all you have because in doing so you become a member of this unstoppable family of the One True King!


  1. Amen. This is a very powerful post. I would say I fall into the catagory of not realizing that he is THAT BIG. Jesus is a name that has never been forgotten. God is everything. So I want to give him everything I have. We have no idea how amazing this really is.

    1. Thank you!! I do the same thing, I think we all do. It just hit me that the Bible is still here, the stories are still told, the lives and differences made by people thousands of years ago are still remembered. That's pretty amazing! This faith isn't just some random belief that some may think it is. It's timeless! It's just mind-blowing to know that He is so much bigger than anything we can imagine. And knowing that His plans and purposes are as well is seriously exciting! Just awesome to be some tiny part of it all!


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