Day 2191 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Psalm 48:14 NIV

Yesterday we talked about how our God is unstoppable. Each of us are a small part in this humongous masterpiece that He's drawn. Nothing can stop what He has planned. Nothing can change His will for our lives. Nothing we face is without purpose or reason. We simply need to learn to trust in Him above and beyond anything else. He is our God!

You know, I look back at all these little plans and dreams that I've had in my life. Some worked out and went how I imagined. Most didn't even come close to happening at all. But what I see mostly now is that it all went according to God's plans. While I may have not gotten what I thought I wanted, I get exactly what I needed. While it definitely hasn't all been easy or understandable, it all made sense to Him. That's what matters.

We have no guarantee that our lives will go how we want them to go. And as weird as it may sound that's an incredible blessing! We don't know what's best. We don't know how to get where God is leading us without following Him. We get our dreams in mind and that's all that we can see. But God sees the big picture. He knows the whole story. And He loves us too much to let us have our dreams all the time. He wants us to have His!

I still have things that I hope for. We all do. But we can't try to make our plans supersede His. What seems perfect to us probably isn't. On the other hand though, what God has planned is perfect. We need to trust that. We need to follow the paths that He puts us on. They might not lead where we expect or where we'd choose. But they will take us where He wants us to go. So I'm learning to stop holding on to my dreams so tightly because I don't want them to keep from what He has in store.

There's this peace in knowing that God has my future under control. It's not going to look like everyone else's. It won't unfold how we expect. It will probably go very differently. But know that He is leading us exactly where we're supposed to be. He is guiding us along to the promises that He has. Don't get stuck looking at what you want because you might not get it and that brings disappointment. Focus instead on trusting God's plans and you will never be let down because they're better than you imagine!


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